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60 percent of Hong Kong's eligible population get at least 1 vaccine jab

2021-08-31 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

About 60 percent of Hong Kong's eligible population, or 4.06 million, have taken at least one vaccine shot against COVID-19 as far, half a year after the inoculation began.

Among them, some 3.3 million people are fully immunized, accounting for 48.9 percent of the eligible groups, official data showed.

The figures are a hard-won result, Secretary for the Civil Service of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government Patrick Nip said, noting that vaccination is crucial to a possible loosing of social distancing measures and travel restrictions.

Hong Kong's Center for Health Protection (CHP) reported six new imported cases of COVID-19 on August 28, taking the total tally to 12,100.

A total of 64 cases have been reported in the past 14 days, including one untraceable local case and an import-related case, with the rest imported, according to the CHP.

Source: Xinhua

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